Floating Rock: PitchFest
Art Direction | Image Manipulation | Design

Pitch Fest is Floating Rock's brainchild. Open to creatives and storytellers across all of Oceania it's a platform designed to enable the development of original game/show/movie IPs, with the opportunity to win a cool $100k injection to create the ultimate selling pitch.

If you were catching a flight to or from Wellington Airport or just cruising round to Miramar in early 2024 you might have caught one of my largest pieces of work in collaboration with my friends at Floating Rock Studio.
Kicking-off the calls for entries a 6 x 30 metre billboard was strategically placed a stone’s-throw from the creative film production hub of Wellington. Designed to intrigue and captivate the imagination of storytellers Floating Rock already had their 'Once upon a time' concept in mind. I merely brought it to life.
Using the studio’s debut IP, ‘KYŌRYŪ’ (also the first success story of Pitch Fest) as inspiration, the process of developing an idea from script, taking it to storyboard and concept art through to a finished 3D product has been captured at quick glance.
Benjamin Mulot's beautiful concept art has been layered in with just the right frames from ‘KYŌRYŪ's’ trailer. (Check out the mean-as dimetrodon on top of the car – too perfect not to include for this design for such a high-traffic location)!
Tori, our baby t-rex along with various other 3D elements were set up to spec in Unreal Engine so it could be woven together, adding additional layers of paint and type.
Going back to basics it felt luxuriously old-school in approach stepping into the art shop to hunt for the perfect piece of paper, mimicking a script page, to shoot at just the right angle, with the corner curling just-so (we laboured over that curl and shadow)!
Entries for Pitch Fest this round have exceeded forecasts with the billboard generating huge buzz on social media and screen/film forums.